A Scientology Canberra Layman's Blog Courses Effective Time Management Course

Effective Time Management Course

How can I get more done in less time?

Make every effort count.


IN THIS WORLD of high-speed computers and ultra-fast communication, antiquated administrative systems can’t meet the demand. So how can you keep up? Faster facilities is one solution. But machines are not the total answer. Behind every machine is a real, live person. Behind every successful business or activity is a person who knows at least something about organizing and planning.

The Effective Time Management Course shows you how to get more done in less time, using the fundamentals of efficiency. Many people have no clue how to do it – this course shows you how.

On this course you will learn:

    Why some people work hard but don’t get much done, yet others can accomplish a lot with far less effort.

    What wastes time on the job, and how to cut your work in half yet still get more done.

    How to put a goal or plan into simple, doable steps so you can easily attain it.

When you know the knowledge and tools on this course, you can handle work with twice the speed and half the effort. You can eliminate stress and buy yourself more time for all those things you would like to be doing.Length of course is 3 days part time.

Success: “This course is so very much more than the name implies. Sure, you can definitely learn to manage time better. I did. But I can also sort out a great many barriers to production in any business or sphere of activity. Great course!” R.S.

Success: “I did not expect I would find such a wealth of useful information in a course on time management. I feel like I learned how to run my entire life. The course pointed out the specific areas where I failed before and gave me the tools to ensure I succeed in the future. This has restored my confidence in my ability to succeed and returned to me the pride in my past successes.” E.K.

Success: “What a wonderful, basic, powerful course – simple to duplicate and understand. The exercises help you confront aspects of life and use the information right away.” D.S. 

Success: “This course was awesome. It covers the key things that you do need to effectively manage time. It’s great – it is easy to grasp and with drills for application.” M.M.

N THIS WORLD of high-speed computers and ultra-fast communication, antiquated administrative systems can’t meet the demand. So how can you keep up? Faster facilities is one solution. But machines are not the total answer. Behind every machine is a real, live person. Behind every successful business or activity is a person who knows at least something about organizing and planning.

The Effective Time Management Course shows you how to get more done in less time, using the fundamentals of efficiency. Many people have no clue how to do it – this course shows you how.

On this course you will learn:

    Why some people work hard but don’t get much done, yet others can accomplish a lot with far less effort.

    What wastes time on the job, and how to cut your work in half yet still get more done.

    How to put a goal or plan into simple, doable steps so you can easily attain it.

When you know the knowledge and tools on this course, you can handle work with twice the speed and half the effort. You can eliminate stress and buy yourself more time for all those things you would like to be doing.Length of course is 3 days part time.

Success: “This course is so very much more than the name implies. Sure, you can definitely learn to manage time better. I did. But I can also sort out a great many barriers to production in any business or sphere of activity. Great course!” R.S.

Success: “I did not expect I would find such a wealth of useful information in a course on time management. I feel like I learned how to run my entire life. The course pointed out the specific areas where I failed before and gave me the tools to ensure I succeed in the future. This has restored my confidence in my ability to succeed and returned to me the pride in my past successes.” E.K.

Success: “What a wonderful, basic, powerful course – simple to duplicate and understand. The exercises help you confront aspects of life and use the information right away.” D.S. 

Success: “This course was awesome. It covers the key things that you do need to effectively manage time. It’s great – it is easy to grasp and with drills for application.” M.M.

Life Improvement Courses are studied using a Scientology development called a “checksheet.” Every step of the  course is listed in sequence and one checks them off as they are completed. This allows each student to study at their own optimum speed.

Courses are studied in the course room at 106 Alinga street, under trained supervisors. These supervisors are trained so that you can understand the data and get the benefits from it.

Location: 106 Alinga Street. On the corner of Alinga Street and Verity Lane. You are very welcome.

Open seven days a week during the day and evenings on week days.

We are right on the Canberra bus interchange, and paid parking is very close by.  It is very easy to get here.

106 Alinga St., Canberra City.

PHONE: 02 6223 2063

Locate the Church of Scientology of Canberra here.

There are many other courses here at Category: Courses. Feel free to browse.

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