A Scientology Canberra Layman's Blog Books Dianetics: The Modern Science Of Mental Health

Dianetics: The Modern Science Of Mental Health

By L. Ron Hubbard

Containing discoveries heralded as greater than the wheel or fire, Dianetics has remained a best seller for more than 50 years. And with more than 22 million copies in print, it’s undisputedly the most widely read and influential book ever written about the human mind.

Here is the full description of that part of the mind, that previously unknown source of nightmares, unreasonable fears, upsets, and insecurities which enslave man.

Ever hurt someone you love? Ever vow not to hurt them again, but then do it again? Wonder your own sanity? What compels a person to do something his instincts and better judgment command him not to do? Find out what is the mind. Find out what is in your mind. Get better as a result.

“Dianetics is an adventure. It is an exploration into Terra Incognito, the human mind, that vast and hitherto unknown realm half an inch back of our foreheads.” L. Ron Hubbard.

What is in the book Dianetics?

The book comprises 678 pages, including extensive glossary and index. The books are large, with larger type, to make reading easier.

The audio book package comprises three volumes of 16 CDs and 167 page booklet.

I have enjoyed the study of Dianetics, the actual disciplines of devoting time and energy to a premise that was full of personal interests to me. Being audited was a very powerful sensation full of emotions that had been unreleased for years. One instance which I had forgotten about totally, involved a factory accident where I had been electrocuted. I released a great charge at this point and have been much happier since. I am more awake and alive.  D. W. (Canberra)

Many people I know have not had the benefits of Dianetics. Since I’ve done the course I am now able to think clearly and can see why people go crazy due to their reactive mind. I can’t wait to help my friends and family. W. N. (Canberra.)

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