Q: Information On Scientology

I’m not switching religions I am a Christian but I was watchin south park and it said it was about an evil emperor named zenu and releasing souls and stuff I wanted to know if that’s what Scientologists actually believe in and if they actually charge money to be part of it?

Well, I am a Scientologist. Scientologists are encouraged not to “believe”. They are encouraged to work things out for themselves. So let me explain what I personally understand. I would suggest that you are a life force, as I am. Life cannot be seen, but it can be experienced. Like gravity, which also cannot be seen, but can be experienced, so with life. Another word for life force would be spirit. You, as the life force, run the body.

Life appears subject to certain laws, which the physical universe is not subject to. For example, life will reduce the distance between itself and what it likes. A tree will send its leaves to the sunlight, its roots to water. A mother will cradle her son closely, and so on.

I also understand that by knowing the laws that control life, then I can use that knowledge to be cause over life instead of being the adverse affect of life.

When these laws are used during counseling, then the counseling is extraordinarily successful.

There are hundreds of these laws. Maybe more.

I have read perhaps 15,000 pages on the subject of Scientology, and listened to hundreds of lectures.

You remember in the Bible where Jesus meets a mad man and he tells the demons that have control of that man, to leave the person and go into for a pig, and they take over the body of a pig, and the pig runs off the cliff? That is pretty weird stuff when taken out of context. And maybe animal’s rights groups would see it as unfair to the pig. I am not saying what you speak of is the same. It is not. But I would be saying something out of context if I said Christians believe in putting demons in pigs. Actually, I would be lying if I said that. But a person of ill intent might say it.

In Scientology, one of the things you will find is that as you get the counseling I spoke of, you will improve your memory. Past life counseling is not unusual, and is more likely as one’s memory improves.

It is here though, that we hit what is termed para-scientology. This is that part of Scientology that cannot be proved. Past lives is also a part easily taken out of context.

In other religions, such similar beliefs exist. In Islam, for example, Mohammad said that to truly understand Islam, one needs to understand all other religions, even the religions of persons on other planets. And, did not Jesus even ask who didn’t the people say he was, referring to the incarnation of an earlier life? Now I am not saying he was referring past lives, but others have said this.

To show what is out of context means, I could ask Christians they believe in eating another man’s flesh or drinking his blood? Now, do not get upset, and say I am writing something out of context, for I know I am. And that is my whole point. There is context, and out of context. But also know I have many freinds who are very strong-faithed Christians. And Muslims too. Some of those are also Scientologists.

So, what to do with Scientology then?

Read something that is in context. I would suggest some books. And I will also give you some other reading pages you may find interesting. They will be in context.

Locate the Church of Scientology of Canberra here.

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